Grovelands Investments, for themselves and for the vendors or lessors of this property
for whom they act, give notice that :
these particulars are a general outline and are for guidance purposes only,
for the guidance of prospective purchasers or tenants, and they do not constitute
the whole or any part of an offer or contract.
Grovelands Investments cannot guarantee the accuracy of any description,
dimensions, references to condition, necessary permissions for use and
occupation, and other details contained herein, and prospective purchasers
or tenants must not rely on them as statement of fact or representations,
and must satisfy themselves as to their accuracy, prior to or upon entering into
any contract or lease.
no employee of Grovelands Investments has any authority to make or give any
representation or warranty or enter into any contract whatever in relation to the
property, whether expressed or implied.
rents, prices, premiums and service charge quoted in these particulars may be
subject to VAT in addition.
Grovelands Investments have not tested any apparatus, equipment, fixtures and fittings
and therefore cannot verify that they are in full working order and fit for their purpose. Purchasers /tenants should make their investigations prior to entering into binding contract.
Grovelands Investments will not be liable, in negligence or otherwise, for any loss
Arising from the use of these particulars.
All interested parties should carry out their own enquiries and due diligence in respect to business rates, local authority searches, EPC’s, floor areas, contracts and leases prior to entering into any lease or contract. We strongly advise all parties to ensure that they have legal representation and where necessary undertake necessary survey or valuations prior to any financial commitment.
All transactions are subject to contract.